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Growth is Often Fear at It's Best

Is It TMI to Share My Fears?

I get scared sometimes ok? 

When I share with people that I give talks, I also share that I’m nervous about public speaking.  Totally TMI right?  However, even Adele tells people she’s scared when she sings to crowds, sometimes she tells the crowds just before she begins another song.  “I love you but you really really scare me”, is what I remember she said.

But I’m not Adele.  Publicly saying I’m nervous, especially while delivering my 30-second elevator speech, isn’t a winning strategy for attracting people to hire me. 

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Networking. Painful Lessons Learned.

Networking. Painful Lessons Learned.

The 60-second elevator speech and women’s networking luncheons are not everyone’s cup of tea. Ok, it’s not my cup of tea. But I learned to appreciate these women spending two hours connecting with each other to promote their business and help each other. Not my thing. I left my career to do what I’m doing now. Why waste even one moment doing something I don’t enjoy?

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