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Roadmap to Purposeful Work?

Discovering one’s purposeful work can take a minute. You may have come here with a plan but you will have shortly forgotten it. If we think of it as a fun game to uncover what we’re truly passionate about, it will show itself to us. Step by step we can discover what we’re meant to do. And we’ll know it by how we feel. Just as we’ll know what doesn’t feel good to us. It’s a process. We can’t mess it up. All roads lead there.

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Living Intuitively Is Easy

Living Intuitively Is Easy

Living intuitively sounds all woo-woo but it’s as simple as living with more self-awareness and from ourselves. The more we do this the more aware we become. We have our very own internal guidance system if we just listen to it. It will never steer us wrong. It doesn’t mean we won’t decide to take a different tact and wish we hadn’t. But we can get back on track faster by paying attention to what we’re being shown.

There’s a desperate desire for more love and peace in our world. But all it takes is deciding to be the vibe you wish to experience. Desire more love in the world? Be loving.

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Being A Good Person

Being a Good Person

The word spirituality is such a loaded word. When I use the word I feel other people’s assumptions. It can even grate on someone’s nerves. To some, it equates to their religion. To others it’s more about how one is consciously choosing to be aware of themselves. Why does the word spirituality take on such significance and feel so loaded?

Whatever it means to you is fine with me. I like to say that we’re each unique individuals and so shouldn’t our spirituality and spiritual journey be as unique and individual as we are? It is what it is. And all too often it gets lumped in with being a “good” person. I don’t feel it has anything to do with how nice someone is.

To me, it’s simply about how I feel, at every moment.  And the choices that I’m creating in each of those moments and how I experience those choices. Ok, there’s more but it has nothing to do with what exists outside of me. My experience doesn’t have to fit in with anyone else’s.

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How Music Positively Transforms Us

How Music Positively Transforms Us

Music is one of our most powerful and beautiful tools we can use for connection and healing. Our intuitive guidance can use it to connect with us and bring us supportive messages. Music offers us healing by transforming our mood just by listening to songs we positively resonate with. Our musical preferences are as unique and individual as we are. It can transport us to a daydreamy state and lift us to new heights. We lose track of time and go within to access its gifts.

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Adventure is Not Outside Man; It Is Within

“Adventure is not outside man; it is within”

For too long I lived a life in the way I thought others would approve. I moved to New York City and began my career in advertising. It didn’t take too long to realize that career would never fulfill me. And yet I stayed. Eventually transitioning to marketing and ending my career after being employed by several internet companies. While living in New York City felt like an adventure, my life still felt flat. I had to learn that true adventure, for me, comes from within. Now I’m pursuing my own dreams and ideas and acting on them to bring them to reality. That’s adventure to me. Taking vacations and traveling is nice but becoming more me, emotionally and spiritually, is my true adventure. Creating what I’m excited about, fulfills me more. That’s me setting off for parts unknown. And I don’t need a plane ticket.

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And It's Only Tuesday

Sparkles on My Lake

Our walk around my neighborhood lakes led me to feeling both misty and feeling a little vulnerable to what’s next. I know that change is good and it’s time for me to leave this home I’ve lived in for approximately 20 years. It’s time for my husband and me to look for a home we can both love. While I’m looking forward to this, we’re taking a walk in the natural areas near my current home to say goodbye to the benches I’ve sat on, the wildlife I’ve enjoyed, and my sparkly lake view.

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