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Maintain Joy And Higher Vibration

Maintain Joy And Higher Vibration

First I want to say that I sometimes gossip. If someone hurts my feelings my go-to is complaining about that person to another friend. What I’m learning is that I feel awful when I do that. That constriction are my intuitive feelings coaching me to do something more supportive for myself.

If I want to create my higher vision and ideas then I will need all the assistance I can get. That means getting out of my own way and enabling something better.

When you feel yourself going gossipy just notice how you feel in your gut area/power center/solar plexus chakra. The more you notice how you feel the more you’re training yourself how not to go there the next time. It takes self-awareness to make positive habits stick. The more you take on lighter thoughts and words the more you’ll be creating lighter life experiences. It all comes down to the energy system that we are. Our natural space is to stand in our power as in light and love. When you’re in that space you should feel expansive, confident, lighthearted, and able to let things slide off of you more. When you speak up to another you’ll do so with confidence, kindness, and still be able to get your point across to state your feelings and opinions. This is you taking care of your needs from a position of true strength and power.

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