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Question Mark It’s Good to Become Comfortable with Uncertainty and Mystery

It’s Good to Become Comfortable with Uncertainty and Mystery

There’s an art to living with uncertainty and mystery. If you can learn to be open to not knowing all the answers then you’re on your way to an exciting life that’s constantly evolving with your growth, well-being, and purpose at heart. None of us has to be an expert at living life. Questions are an expected part of our existence. Some answers we’re ready for and some we’re not. The art is allowing for what’s best and trusting that whatever shows up in your life, is best. Some life experiences may not make sense at the time but everything happens for a reason. All we have to do is show up, open to allowing for rather than forcing. If you’re alive, you’re dancing, even if it feels you have two left feet.

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Perfection is Most Elusive

Perfection Is Most Elusive

Honk if you don’t love parties. I don’t. I like them better than I used to but usually, I wish for a little scheduling conflict to show up so I can’t attend The Party. If it’s something I can’t get out of or have decided to push through my discomfort, I actually show up. There’s no telling how I might show up. I could be quiet, which is my old go-to. Or, I might talk a lot out of nervousness. When I used to drink socially I’d be sure to have one or two to get through the party. Sometimes I insert foot into mouth. Now that I’m more consciously intuitive I feel some people’s energy and that’s a whole new complication.

One of my life lessons and there are many, is to just be me and let go of concerning myself how others might process me. When that happens I find myself relaxing and actually enjoying the party. And if I’m not enjoying myself? I remind myself there’s nothing wrong with being an introvert and wishing I were home or on a woody path, or out on our sailboat for the night stargazing. I don’t have to apologize for what I like and don’t like. It’s time to stop feeling like I have to fit into what I feel society wants from me and instead just do whatever I want.

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