Question Mark It’s Good to Become Comfortable with Uncertainty and Mystery

It’s Good to Become Comfortable with Uncertainty and Mystery

There are many examples of when it’s good to become comfortable with uncertainty and mystery. One is being open to where your life experiences and ideas are taking you. The second is being ok with not knowing Chalkboard Question Markall the answers, especially when it comes to spirituality.  The more you know, the more you find out you don’t know.

Are you opening to some unusual questions, perspectives, and ideas?  If so, your life may seem even more exciting now, or at the very least, much more interesting.  There’s so much to consider.  Who am I really?  Where do I come from?  Why am I here?  What’s my purpose?  What’s the reason for all of us being here on this planet at this time?  At any time?

As human beings, we love to be knowledgeable.

We assume we know who we are and where we’re going.  However, if we embrace uncertainty and mystery, we stretch ourselves, grow more through discovering more.  The effort of us trying to force certainty doesn’t really allow for us to be open to something that may even be better for us.

Are you open to asking the kinds of larger questions you don’t already know the answers to?

From personal experience, my own life became much more interesting and exciting, just by letting go of my attachment to a particular outcome.  But it takes awareness and practice.  It might look like letting go of controlling the details of your life. Or, being attached to how you may want a particular person to be. Letting go of attachment to outcome means being open to what might appear.  It’s not knowing and being uncertain that contributes to the adventure of one’s life.

Some of us have spent our entire lives to at least look like we know what we’re doing.

We fit ourselves into a world that we want to fit into because it seems like the thing to do.  And, we do this even though our world could be so much different if we would just cultivate our imagination a bit more, and pursue what we imagine.

The one thing I wish we would see is that we’re here in part, to bring about a beneficial change.  But we’re so busy trying to do life according to the masses, that we lose sight of our uniquely individual gifts.  For some, it’s almost impossible to see oneself as a powerful being.

Do you look for validation for how special you are, find none, and then believe it’s preposterous that you even considered it?  You can learn to recognize your gifts and skills even if others don’t offer confirmation.

Spirituality is an area that brings up questions, mystery and uncertainty. 

As we move along in our life, questions show up.  Our initial questions may bring about even more expansive questions.   In just considering these questions it brings about fears such as looking stupid, new “ageish”, and flakey.  It’s no wonder, there’s the temptation to go back to fitting in and avoid all that discomfort around opening to new perspectives.  There’s a discomfort of recognizing who we truly are because we listened to those that told us we aren’t “all that”.  We believe others are special but not us.  And we continue to dismiss self-love, self-acceptance, and unlimited self-beliefs.

You’re amazing.  Take your time.  You don’t have to figure everything out, just live your life.  In living your life you’re in the dance of allowing for what’s best but you’ll need to release your grip.  If you’re here, you’re dancing, even if it feels you have two left feet.  The dance steps become easier over time.

It's Good to Become Comfortable with Uncertainty and MysteryWhat’s possible if we do get off-script and believe in the unbelievable?

Well, in uncovering a bigger picture our cover is blown and we’re totally off-script.  That’s a good thing because we have a glimmer of our and everyone’s importance in the world.  It’s almost a relief there’s no concrete outcome, just the promise of a progression.

That is until we stretch ourselves to take on new and exciting ventures.  Perhaps we’re creating something that really floats our boat.  It feels wonderful and we’re engaged in life like never before.

This is when we might notice if we’re forcing an outcome as a result of any glimmers of self-doubt that arise from being stretched.  Notice if you hear…Who am I to do this?  What do I know?  What will people think?

Do you ever believe you’re not ready yet?

Instead of allowing and surrendering to what’s best, we give the subject matter experts our power.  And in making oneself smaller it’s easy to believe we’re not quite ready.

Ready for what?

For whatever.  Just a vague sense of “I’m not ready yet”.

You don’t have to be an expert at living.  No one is an expert.

How would being an expert even look?  A life that only has ups and no downs?  Where none of our plants die.  No one ever annoys us.  We get every promotion and salary increase.  Every one of our life lessons is easily mastered.  Our work assists many people.  Even the book we wrote makes the bestseller list.  Life is a breeze.

Is that an expert life?  Let’s hope not.  Where’s the humanity?  The contrast?  The hills and valleys?  Because all that contrast makes for a rich life.

We’re all asked to think differently.  Humanity is breaking away from the scripts.

Are you also noticing that our old institutions and systems no longer serve us well?  Many of our own patterns, habits, and self-beliefs are no longer serving us well.  Control and subservience are not in our future.  Collaborating on creating something new and better is.

In choosing a higher vision, one’s reality shifts along with it.  There’s a groundswell to create beneficial change, in our lives and on the planet, even though we experience uncertainty.  Each of us came here to create a special thing.

You can create your passion, dreams, and higher vision.  And it will continue to morph each day you’re on this planet.

Believe in yourself and the unbelievable.  The seemingly impossibly preposterous. Pay attention to what’s evolving in your life.  You’ll begin to notice patterns and become aware of how you created those patterns.  Being self-aware, you can make new choices that do serve you well.  Anyone can become comfortable with uncertainty and mystery.  It’s a part of life.

Becoming comfortable with uncertainty and mystery you’ll surrender to what your inner voice is bringing you.




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