What It Took for Sara to Love Her Life

What It Took For Me

Most people suffer from limiting beliefs at some point in their lives.

It’s also very common to avoid looking at those limiting beliefs.  We don’t consider how they began or give ourselves the opportunity to learn how to release them.

As it turns out, I was someone who didn’t want to look.

Like many of us, I had allowed confusing and hurtful behavior to inform who I thought I was.  I just didn’t know it.

I’d had a pretty fortunate life and much to be grateful for. It seemed more adult and more admirable to concentrate only on the good parts rather than the confusing and darker parts. But I have to call BS on that strategy. Because unfortunately, for far too many years, I didn’t feel good about myself, others, even the world.

In reality, my fears, debilitating insecurities and limiting self-beliefs showed up in both my professional and personal life. They annoyingly tagged along to each and every one of my relationships.

Discouraged with the crummy feelings that frequently crept in, that’s when my life took a turn for the better. Because that’s when intuitive assistance showed up in a more direct way.  I was led to a trusted mentor, information and support.  We’re not meant to go through our struggles alone.

What it took, was allowing for a weirdly wonderful mind-blowing occurrence of events.

I followed every suggestion and embraced healthier thoughts, habits, self-belief, and a wider perspective. The better I felt, the more secure I began to feel.  The more I was able to look at when and why my old limiting self-beliefs first showed up. Over time, I became more clear.

The clarity I received showed how certain experiences had colored and informed the way I thought of myself.  It even informed how I thought about others and even the world. I could see that trying to pretend everything was fine when I so didn’t feel that way, wasn’t helping.  There’s a better way.  I looked and learned about my past experiences and my patterns.  Out of that, I learned to make better choices.  The more everything within and without started to shift for the better.

We relate with each other, in part, to learn our life lessons.  You know that expression we’re all in this together? Are we ever!

Here’s a little about what I learned about what it took and is still taking.

It’s important we don’t bury, ignore, excuse, or sugar coat our experiences and anyone’s behavior.  This includes even those we love, in an attempt to distort the truth out of loyalty.  Everyone is perfectly imperfect and at times fighting their own battle. It’s time we give ourselves permission to see each other more clearly. It’s kinder to acknowledge all the parts that make up a human being. Even the difficult parts. So I went back in time to work in that area and to remember without my usual filter. Not to blame but to bring everyone, including me, to the table.

My spirituality will always involve looking within to see where I need to work.  That very step opens the possibility for truth, authenticity, and more joy.

There’s fulfilling work, I enjoy meaning and purpose, and beautifully benefit from intuitive guidance.  I get to experience a loving and fun marriage and feel a deeper connection with myself and higher energy.

What was once a mind-blowing turn of events is now becoming my new normal.

Being shown a wider perspective, I better understand who we are and why we’re here.  This is particularly true around my own lifetime I’m experiencing.  My beliefs are shifting and not often shared by most people I have relationships with.  However, it’s now so much easier to sit in my individuality.

I now have the honor of sharing with others who are interested in learning more about their spiritual journey. I share what I’ve had to learn. What it took and is still taking.

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