5 Simple Lessons To Benefit Humanity Now

Benefit Humanity Now Through 5 Simple Lessons

Some would say these are dark times but I believe it’s an opportunity.  It’s the best time to practice these 5 simple lessons to benefit humanity now.  In my opinion, we’re at a tipping point to become a more loving civilization.

No one can ignore the fact that people are suffering greatly, some are even dying.  There’s so much fear, anger, confusion, hopelessness, and disillusionment.   How is all of this affecting us?

5 Simple Lessons To Benefit Humanity NowThis analogy conveys how I’m experiencing the world’s energy today.  My husband and I sail and once in a while, the wind is coming from every direction.  Because it’s changing, it seems to be swirling.  When it does that, there’s not a lot of wind and I’m feeling uncomfortable.  I just want the usual nice experience of smooth sailing but I can’t have it.  I need to be patient and wait for things to get better.  In the meantime, I can make some adjustments on the sailboat, and be ok with not knowing what direction we’ll eventually be heading in.  That helps me until the wind and where we’re headed becomes more clear to me again.

Right now the people on this planet are ready to embrace more love, peace, collaboration, mutual respect, and ease.

Things can be so much easier for us all.  Humanity will learn and evolve while experiencing love rather than pain.  Some people are resisting and feel more comfortable in their old ways.  There’s resentment, fear, suspicion.  It’s almost easier for some people to sit there than it is to love.  Old habits die hard as they say.

But if we look beyond what we’re focusing on, we might see another direction to try.  Perhaps we can exhale, let go of our need to resist, trust that the high road is the best road.  And realize we play an enormous part in where humanity is headed.

Consider these lessons and the related practices specific to you.

Lesson #1 to benefit humanity:  LOOK

Look at your fellow human beings.  What do you observe about their life experience?

We have to willing to look at each other to better understand each other’s truth.  People are acting out of concern for themselves, others, and the world.  If things seem confusing and dark right now, there’s a reason for it.  You will be asked to acknowledge the very real human suffering.  Now is the time to feel empathy for your fellow human beings.  You can’t force it.  It begins by looking and acknowledging humanity’s struggles.

Look at yourself.  What’s your life experience?

How do you process who you are and why you’re here?  It’s ok not to know the answers.  But you can ask the questions and gradually open to new ideas and perspectives.  Most importantly, to form your own ideas, rather than following someone else’s.  For me, I love to learn.  A part of my growth has been listening and observing others.  Trying on ideas for size so to speak.  But at the end of the day, I want to grow enough to form my own beliefs based on my own life experiences.  My experiences teach great lessons, when I take the time to see, hear, and embody them.

Lesson #2 to benefit humanity:  LISTEN

What is another person or others saying?  Are they asking for our assistance?  How can we help?  5 Simple Lessons To Benefit Humanity Now

It may be uncomfortable but you have to be willing to hear the other person’s experiences.  Not just listen with your ears but listen with your heart.  This is so important right now because it’s in part how we human beings connect with each other.

Look at, rather than look away.

It’s easy to think “Oh this too shall pass. All will be well.”  This too will pass and all will be well.  But you’re here to contribute.  You have beautiful skills, wonderful gifts to share, and reasons for being here.  We all do.  Everyone has a role in being here.

There isn’t a single person who isn’t still learning and evolving.  There’s a lot of humanity out there.  Everyone at varying frequencies and at various points along their own path.  At least one person or many, need your light.  And you need theirs.

You can assist humanity and are already doing so in small and large ways every day.

Can you see this?  Can you grow it and take it to new heights?

Lesson #3:  LET GO OF THE SMALL STUFF so that you can grow

Surrender to love and focus on the important things.

In letting go of the small annoyances you’re unencumbered by pettiness and free to expand.  You can expand your mind, embrace new ideas, take on higher thoughts.

Lesson #4:  RECOGNIZE YOUR SIGNIFICANCE to benefit humanity with your gifts

5 Simple Lessons To Benefit Humanity Now

It’s a very exciting time and you have a part in all that’s appearing.

What is it that you’ll do with your expansion?  What’s your role on our planet?  Your choices, actions, thoughts, words, all matter.  How you hold yourself matters.  How you see yourself and process yourself matters.  Healthier and unlimited thoughts about who you are and why you are here matters.  Making yourself small is not in alignment with your life mission.

Being humble is a noble quality but it can be used to hold oneself back.  You’re awesome and I for one don’t mind if you shout it from a street corner.  Recognize your significance and keep stepping forward to share your awesomeness.  Channel it to benefit your own life and others.  Everything you do and how you do it matters.  Mistakes are expected and take you even further.

Lesson #5:  TAKE RESPONSIBILITY to leave your positive mark

If you’re on the planet you have a direct effect on humanity.  How are you using your responsibility?  What are your dreams and ideas for the world?  Ask yourself what you can do to bring your dream to reality.

Do you desire something more for you and the world?  It’s wonderful that you’re awakening to your purpose.

As you’ve probably experienced, as you awaken, you move through many stages.  It’s wonderful one day and challenging in the next. Awakening to recognize and embody our significance is a time of opening, realizing, embodying, creating, and contributing.  As we move through these of course you’ll be challenged.

How do you feel now?  Do you believe these are dark times or that we’re at a tipping point to be a loving civilization?  Ask yourself how you’re planning on navigating through the tumultuous energy appearing on our planet today?

To me, it’s an exciting time to be on this planet.  No question that humanity is at a crucial point, and everyone is being asked to share their heart and unique gifts.  Embrace higher thoughts and feelings, practice self-care, and be open to whatever emerges for you.

The world will benefit greatly from your gifts!



➡➡  Get my free PDF ➡➡  A Roadmap to Uncover and Discover Purpose

➡➡  A blog post on individualism and purpose.

➡➡  If you’re ready for a deeper dive into creating more meaning, purpose, and life enjoyment, consider my online course.


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