Why You Want to Learn from Life Experiences through Journaling

Why You Want to Learn from Life Experiences through Journaling

You may find yourself wondering what you can do to feel a deeper connection to yourself, others, the universe, and higher energy.  Or, that a deeper connection is showing up as a simple inquiry you have around life challenges.  I’m beginning a series of posts around the benefits of creating a morning awakening practice, such as journaling.  And in this post, we’ll discuss why you want to learn from life experiences through journaling.  Here’s the shortlist of what it will help you achieve.

  • One, to connect more deeply with yourself.
  • Two, to gain more clarity about what some of the experiences in your life are bubbling up for.
    • Uncover what these experiences are showing you
    • Can you discover what they’re teaching you?  See what you can learn from them.
  • Three, to connect with your intuitive guidance, to gain again, more clarity to ask questions.  And to get those questions answered as you journal, or just to put them out there for later clarification.

You’ll be starting the day by setting the tone for the remainder of the day in a positive frame of mind.

Why You Want to Learn from Life Experiences through Journaling
Allow the blank page to invite you.

Connecting with Yourself through Journaling

Let’s start with connecting more deeply with yourself.  That first reason to journal, dovetails nicely with the second reason, gaining clarity about your life experiences.  That’s because as we go out and live our lives, we’re often triggered by things that happen.  We have our good days and our bad days, we have our shadow moments. There are also our high five wonderful, joyful moments where everything is working well in our life. But there are lots of times when we want to journal about these experiences and as we do so we get to know ourselves better.

Why You Want to Learn from Life Experiences through Journaling

We’ll start to see our patterns. There are situations in our life that are happening for a reason. When we get our feelings down on paper, we acknowledge them. And we’ll be looking at our life more truthfully, as a result of writing in our journal.

Experience this for yourself.  Write down what your feelings are about a particular experience. And the more you write about your feelings, the more a genuine connection with your very own self will be. You can’t run and hide from yourself when you’re connecting with yourself in the most genuine way.

Gain Clarity About Your Experiences through Writing Your Thoughts

When you write your truth, you’re able to connect with your higher self.  And that brings us to the next point, which is gaining clarity. So as you write down what some of the things are that you want to get clear about, you’re going to eventually get clear about them. You just will, because as you start to write down what some of the challenges are, you’ll start to see a pattern.  As you begin to recognize patterns you’ll see and understand why that pattern or experience is showing up. You’ll gain clarity.

Journaling is wonderful because you can write down your ideas, dreams, and vision.  And it’s an awesome way of bringing your ideas, dreams, and vision into your reality. You’ll do that simply through the act and the art of journaling.

It’s possible to assist yourself to bring your dreams into reality, just by putting pen or pencil to paper.

Why You Want to Learn from Life Experiences through Journaling
My stack of filled journals

When we write down our deepest thoughts, our most heartfelt dreams for ourselves and the world, we create them.  In small and large ways.  How?  You’re creating energy around those dreams and thoughts.  That energy is connected to all.  It’s as simple as, when you lift yourself to new heights, you lift others as well.  And visa versa.  I know I write this a lot but this is “We’re All Connected” works.  In all ways.  Higher or lower energy.  I vote for higher and if you’re reading this you probably do too.

Connect with Your Intuitive Guidance to Learn About Your Life Experiences

That brings us to the third reason journaling is beneficial.  Journaling is another lovely way of gaining clarity through asking for assistance. It’s a great way to connect with your intuitive guidance.  Write in your journal for just a few minutes each morning and see what comes up.  You may want to write to them about those dreams and ideas I mentioned above.  However, there will be times when you’ll want to write about a challenge as you’re looking for a solution.  Begin by getting your feelings down on paper.  I always connect more easily when I’m genuinely myself, whether happy, sad, clear, or confused.  The more I allow my heart to come through, the more I feel a connection.  Journaling is a lovely way to receive information.

Why You Want to Revisit Your journal Periodically

Why You Want to Learn from Life Experiences through Journaling
My current journal a friend gave me

It’s helpful to go back to read previous journal entries.   Periodically, take a look.  Either several days later, weeks, or even months.  But treat yourself to see what your thoughts and experiences were at that time.  You’ll be amazed at how much you’ve grown.  In just leafing through it you’ll be drawn to certain entries.

It will be interesting to see what you were struggling with way back when and how you may or may not be struggling with that any longer.  As a result, sometimes you’ll realize that you’re in deeper layers of something you were dealing with a while ago.  But now you’re discovering something entirely different, but it’s along with the same life lesson.  Again, a deeper experience.  You’re aware of your own personal and spiritual growth.

As you review old entries, you may now realize more clearly the answers or guidance.  It’s confirmation that it was your intuitive guidance coming through.

Hopefully you’ll see now why it’s a wonderful way to start your day.

If you don’t know what to write in your journal…

A good thing to do is to set an intention for the rest of the day and put that intention down in your journal. You can elaborate on the intention as that day’s entry.

If you’re looking for other ideas on how to begin journaling, click on this hyperlink.  The link will take you through the step of downloading a PDF of easy journaling prompts.

Letters, journal, and pen


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