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Help Yourself and the World During Chaotic Moments

Assist Yourself and Humanity During Chaotic Moments

Often it’s in life’s painful moments that offer an opportunity to practice. To practice becoming more conscious about your power to positively shift the energy on the earth. When we process something as being upsetting we can look at it as an opportunity. I wonder what will happen now? What will people choose? More importantly, what will I choose? And so we begin the practice of observation without judgment. That part takes extra practice. I know I’m still working on non-judgment. Though judging others is not to be confused with having opinions about the chaos or troubling incident. Experiences lead to opinions and opinions can lead to clarity. Judgment is not assisting anyone.

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Blue Teapot and Cup on Table

Calming Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Mankind experiences crises in all shapes and forms to varying degrees.  If you’re experiencing a crisis you never thought you would see in your lifetime, you’re in good company.  You may be somewhat or very shocked.  But how you process experiences is as individual and as unique as you are.

The crisis will end and mankind will have evolved.  And you’ll now better understand how to effect a dramatic positive shift in your life.  If you can step up to looking to yourself in challenging times, you’ll definitely be able to do this on an average day.  This is you learning to stand in your personal power and create light in more and more moments.  Even in the tough moments.  Mastering your energy in terms of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, through your choices, patterns, and habits will serve you well.  It will serve others well.

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Two women in a meeting

When I Cringe I Pay Attention

Do you ever shrink from speaking up for your opinions? It’s almost comical how I hold back from being myself for fear of offending someone. Even in a business relationship where two people benefit from an honest dialog I find myself holding back. Here’s how listening to myself on a conference call illustrated just how much I put up a phony facade. Yuck! No more! It’s much healthier and more respectful to the other person to be our honest selves. Like me. Don’t like me. At least I’ll be genuine and you’ll like or dislike the real me.

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That Tingly Shiver Feeling

That Tingly Shiver Feeling

There are many ways to feel my connection with higher energy. At the time of writing this blog post, my strongest sense is clairsentience. That means that I feel my connection through my feelings. It’s these feelings that provide confirmation, serve to bring my awareness to what’s present, teach me what’s working and not working. There are numerous benefits. What is it? My connection is to my intuitive guidance, source energy, higher self, and so forth. I don’t get too bogged down to exactly what it is every time I feel it. I’m just aware and that offers me information and connection from within myself for my benefit.

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What Relationships Can Do For Us

What Relationships Can Do For Us

If you want to move your personal and spiritual growth forward in a faster and more direct way, observe. Observe your relationships because they are the teaching ground for growth. Every single relationship in our life matters. It’s an exercise in exploring what’s showing up. Sometimes there’s pain, other times joy. But it’s always an opportunity for learning from your own experiences. The most direct and best kind of learning there is.

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Living Intuitively Is Easy

Living Intuitively Is Easy

Living intuitively sounds all woo-woo but it’s as simple as living with more self-awareness and from ourselves. The more we do this the more aware we become. We have our very own internal guidance system if we just listen to it. It will never steer us wrong. It doesn’t mean we won’t decide to take a different tact and wish we hadn’t. But we can get back on track faster by paying attention to what we’re being shown.

There’s a desperate desire for more love and peace in our world. But all it takes is deciding to be the vibe you wish to experience. Desire more love in the world? Be loving.

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How Music Positively Transforms Us

How Music Positively Transforms Us

Music is one of our most powerful and beautiful tools we can use for connection and healing. Our intuitive guidance can use it to connect with us and bring us supportive messages. Music offers us healing by transforming our mood just by listening to songs we positively resonate with. Our musical preferences are as unique and individual as we are. It can transport us to a daydreamy state and lift us to new heights. We lose track of time and go within to access its gifts.

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No News is Good News

No News Is Good News

Human beings like things to be easy but expect big beneficial change to be difficult. That’s we get stuck in the same old paradigm of looking to political leaders to fix things. But how’s that working out for humanity? The news aggravates and accentuates humanity’s supposed divisiveness. It isn’t helping to be that kind of informed.

For most, it’s easier to watch the news and feel disgruntled rather than creating beneficial experiences. But sitting, watching, discussing, and bitching does nothing beneficial. It just contributes more doom and gloom. And, doom and gloom isn’t a great recipe to inspire positive action. It’s a motivator for more doom and gloom.

A better motivator is realizing one’s own unique and individual personal power. It may not come with a political institution attached to it but it’s powerful nevertheless. True beneficial change happens when each of us steps us to act in peace, practice compassion, tolerance, and patience to collaborate and cooperate.

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It Can Be A Real Drag But People Are Great Teachers

It Can Be A Real Drag But People Are Great Teachers

My serving on my homeowners board is a microcosm of the larger political institution in our country. There’s politics, misinformation, anger, hate, frustration, distrust, paranoia. Did I mention misinformation?! I had to learn that I always have a choice. There’s no rule or law that says I have to stay in a horribly negative environment. I had the opportunity to walk and return to peace, joy, calm, cooperation, collaboration, trust, compassion, and patience. But unfortunately, I wanted to control the situation thinking that would make everything better. It didn’t. This was a lesson for me in letting go and allowing others to be who they are. At any point in time, I could have resigned and returned to where I’m experiencing something so much kinder and lovelier.

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