Help Yourself and the World During Chaotic Moments

Assist Yourself and Humanity During Chaotic Moments

Even during chaotic moments, you can be in balance and in alignment with your higher vision.  Here are some reminders on how to assist yourself and humanity during life’s most chaotic moments.

Chaotic moments show that where your thoughts go, so becomes reality.

Think of an incident that is particularly upsetting to you.  There were visuals attached to it and narratives.  There were human beings taking sides and you experienced fear, anxiety, and anger.  Human beings have come to expect these feelings attached to chaotic dramas and their narratives.  Where your thoughts go, your reality goes as well.  You experience a reality that’s attached to those thoughts. This is not a criticism it’s just awareness around how human beings process events.  There will be many narratives within your own thoughts.  And beforehand, there may have been many narratives leading up to the incident.

When enough of human consciousness goes in a direction, so goes the experience. 

Learn to navigate chaotic moments when you sit in higher awareness.Painting of the Earth Globe

If you want to live in peace, calm, love, this is where your energy can be.  You have choices throughout your day.  Did you fill your time wisely for the most part? When you gravitate to consuming chaos it lowers your energy and takes you somewhere you’d rather not be.  But this isn’t outside of your control.  You always have a choice and you know this already.  This is simply saying what you have thought, felt, or said and know already to be true.  Follow those instincts.  Follow your heart.

You can be the observer as you experience the world’s chaotic moments.

Next, choose how you want to sit in peace and love and joy and calm and compassion.  Or whatever high-vibrating intentions you have.  You’re always practicing self-love when you choose that which feels good to you.  And self-love is the first thing to practice when you’re being activated by the lowest thoughts and emotions.  In practicing self-love through self-care, in the form of observation, non-judgment, and compassion, you are doing no harm.  Furthermore, you’ll be contributing to the collective consciousness in a positive and light-filled way thereby affecting others positively.  In other words, you’ll be positively shifting not only your energy but also the positive shifting of the energy on the earth at this time.  Do you see how important you are and how important every individual spirit on this planet is at this time?

Assist yourself and humanity during chaotic moments just by holding yourself in awareness.

Often it’s life’s painful moments that offer an opportunity to practice.  To practice becoming more conscious about your power to positively shift the energy on the earth.  When we process something as upsetting we can look at it as an opportunity.  I wonder what will happen now What will people choose?  More importantly, what will I choose?  And so we begin the practice of observation without judgment.  That part takes extra practice.  I know I’m still working on non-judgment.  Though judging others is not to be confused with having opinions about the chaos or troubling incident.  Our experiences will lead to opinions and opinions can lead to clarity.  Judgment is not assisting anyone.

These chaotic times ask us to release judgment.

I’m becoming physically uncomfortable when I judge.  The judgmental thought is barely forming and judgmental words barely spoken when I realize I don’t want to follow through.  Thankfully, it’s uncomfortable and amazing at the same time.  There’s now a greater awareness when I’m in or out of alignment.

Wall Mural of Womans Eyes and NoseA higher vision becomes through the simple act of envisioning it.

Trust that all is well and all will continue to be well and that the energy on the earth is shifting for the better.  All is well even if it doesn’t seem so at the time. The energy on the earth is shifting.   This does not happen by itself.  There is a lifting of global consciousness.  And more and more spirits on the earth at this time are choosing love rather than sitting in fear, anxiety, discouragement, disillusionment, and anger.  They are choosing compassion, collaboration, cooperation, tolerance, acceptance, joy, peace, calm.

When allowing yourself to be in higher energy, you’re allowing more love and light in your reality, as you’re creating that reality.  This is your natural state.   Your sweet spot.  In so doing, you’re helping others create a better reality through your higher choices.

Remember that you actually have to go out of your way to create experiences that don’t feel good.  It’s far more simple to let go of drama and chaos.  But the realization of simplicity brings doubt.  We’re so used to thinking we have to work hard in life.  And that belief can show up especially pertaining to world-view vision.  But truly the easy part is envisioning and living in more love.

Calming your mind, body, and spirit.

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