Within Your Life Muck Transformation Awaits

Within Your Life Muck, Transformation Awaits

Do you ever feel that you have unpleasant experiences in your life that are asking you to look at them?  But you can't be bothered because you avoid feeling unpleasant? You're aiming for awesome, even if you have to force it?

However, there's a reason you're prompted to look because, at some point, it will serve you well.  Until you take a look and work through the troubling part of your life, you will continue to feel somewhere in the range of blah to awful.   It's understandable that you don’t want to feel these kinds of feelings.  It's so much easier to pretend there's nothing to look at.

You've probably experienced that it's the messy and darker areas of life that hold the greatest gifts.  They're hiding in our muck.  It's a little bit of a treasure hunt to uncover them.

If you're feeling that you're standing smack in your own muck, that's great news!  You're being asked to take action and grow.  Things will get better.

You don't like your muck?  I don't especially like mine either!  But, stay with me here...

Within Your Life Muck Transformation AwaitsI'll use the kitchen cupboards in our old family cabin as an example.  Our beloved old cabin is charmingly out of alignment and the kitchen cupboard doors don't stay closed.  When I close a cupboard door it pops right open again.

I wrestle with the door and force it to close as best I can.   Satisfied, I feel good about handling that minor inconvenience.  However, when I look back I realize that I didn't handle it at all.  It's open again. The messy contents within are still there waiting to be looked at, rearranged, removed and replaced.

The more I ignore my muck, the more it keeps reminding me to take care of it.  How do I know I can't ignore it?  My lower feelings are the clue. Such as sadness, confusion, frustration.

No matter how many times I close doors, choosing not to take action, they eventually pop open again to show me the muck.

You've also probably experienced it's both a challenge and a privilege to work on yourself.

I get it.  Looking at your life muck is not a walk in the park.  Think ”nothing ventured, nothing gained".

Perhaps you believe working on yourself means to you that you're not perfect and that's uncomfortable for you to see.  You're not perfect.  No one is.  Sort of takes the pressure off doesn't it?   It's very popular in the world of spirituality to say that we're perfectly imperfect beings.  As over-used as that expression is, I believe it because I live it as a human being.  We all do.

But think of it this way. People connect and identify with genuine people.  I think "authentic" is the popular word of the decade.  In other words, the parts of you that so obviously demonstrate your humanity is what's endearing and attractive.

There's also no shame in noticing the parts of you and your life that need some work.  And the best gift you can give yourself is to look at yourself.

Isn't it awesome that you can uncover what's really going on and make changes around what you discover?  It will always come back around to you.  That's just how it works.

We're all here to evolve our souls through experiences.  To learn lessons for our highest good.  And to make our contributions.  Above all, we're to simply enjoy life because that brings about even more gifts.

Looking at the uncomfortable parts of your life is about uncovering more of you.  The more you look, the more you'll learn what it is you're to grow from.

  • the more you'll realize how incredible you are. You can access your true power, develop more confidence and create what you imagine.
  • you’ll discover purpose, fulfillment, understand a wider view/the bigger picture. Your work could change to something you never dreamed possible.
  • as a bonus, you’ll recognize the significance of everyone.
  • furthermore, you'll better understand and feel compassion for the folks who don't seem to be hitting it out of the ballpark, in your opinion, or judgment.

It's comforting to remember that other people are on their unique paths and taking their steps in their own time.  It's true that we're all in this together and it's worth remembering.  Because everyone has light and love inside of them, even if they're not broadcasting it at the time.  Everyone.  Even the person you're thinking is pretty awful.  Yup, even that person.

Inner work, spiritual awakening, growth, higher consciousness isn't a contest, race, or competition.

You can't make a mistake when you look inside of your muck and take action.  Because every time you take a step it's purposeful.  Even if it doesn't feel like it.  The choices you make and the action you take has significance, no matter how difficult or easy.  It all benefits you in this lifetime.  Even the stinko moments.  Think of it as an interesting path of discovery, one moment at a time.

Allow yourself to be guided.

There's assistance available and some of it is already guiding you.  You're not meant to go through your challenging times alone.  Assistance takes many forms.  If it feels right there are those in the body as trusted advisors, confidants, friends, family members, therapists.  There's always your intuitive guidance team.  They understand what it is you're to work on and they're always assisting you.

  1. Ask for more clarity.  What's the significance of a particularly challenging experience?  Ask.
  2. Journal your feelings.  Don't hold back.  Journal your questions, challenges, ideas, dreams, frustrations, inspiration, successes.
  3. Get to know yourself.  Not the self you see through a rose-colored filter but YOU.  It will feel a bit cringy at first but hang in there.  You'll learn to love yourself.
  4. Meditate
  5. Breathe.  Breathe through your thoughts and into your feelings.
  6. Feel.  Allow for your feelings to guide you.  Sad?  Joyful?  Why?  What's going on?  What's showing up?
  7. Learn about what your own energy is conveying to you.   Calm?  Anxious?  Stressed?  Why?  What's going on?  What's showing up?
  8. Discover what's working and not working and take action from that discovery.
  9. Uncover the meaning behind the struggles and successes.

Here's the most important one...wait for it...Silly Equals Raising Your Vibration

10.  LIGHTEARTEDNESS!   Yes, humor, silliness, joy, laughing!  A mindset of analyzing and seriousness is only layering on more heaviness.  Cultivate more lightheartedness and it will serve your life in incredible ways.  Why?  Because that's you raising your vibration. Working on yourself raises your vibration.  When you're lighthearted and playing, feeling creative, it will be easier for you to connect with higher energy.  And to receive your intuitive information.

There are oodles of good reasons.  Your homework is to experience this for yourself.

I know this works because this continues to be one of my biggest "aha's".  My go-to is to analyze which way the hair blows down the back of a gnat’s ass.  I think big thoughts about the universe, our planet, humanity, love, peace, and small thoughts about all the things that I choose to be hurt by.  There's rehashing old conversations.  Replaying a previous uncomfortable experience.  You'd think I'd be all thunk out.  Can you imagine how this intensity wouldn't serve anyone well?


My life transformation is, in part, around learning to play and be creative.  My intuitive guidance reminds me to play and enjoy creativity.  That's why my office at home is a homage to my playful pursuits.  There are paintings everywhere.  My favorite photos and art pieces.  My in-process art projects await my inspiration, like the one with copper and driftwood.  I have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm doing.  Don't care if anyone thinks I'm talented or amateurish.  It doesn't matter.  I'm playing.  My work, in part, is to play.  But not just any playful activity.  Only the activities I'm truly interested in and inspired to do.

We ALL have something to work on.  And it's always evolving.  We master one lesson and move on to another.  Either consciously or unconsciously.

It's ok to wonder, imagine, form considerations and even to think things through.  But here's a TIP:

  • Know when enough is enough by paying attention to how you feel.
  • When you feel low and just not feeling good, stop.
  • Change gears.  Set it aside for a while.  Switch things up by doing something you really enjoy.

As you're mucking about, look for the humor in more moments.  Try to see the humor when you feel you trip things up a bit.  When you're not at your best.

It's ok.  Remember how human you are.

Lightheartedness is a key to growth and bringing on even more joy.  It seems like a "duh".   However, as we're in the midst of growth we can forget this.   When in a lighter state of mind and heart, you'll be able to create more light and love in your life.

Choose to practice compassion and to create your reality. Create a reality you live in that has mindfulness, self-care, and self-awareness.  A reality that cultivates love, peace, self-worth, and beneficial connection.

Within your life muck transformation awaits.   Next time a door pops open, take the opportunity to learn what's inside.  It will take you far.



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