8 Things You May Not Know About Intuition

8 Things You May Not Know About Intuition

I’m always learning about my own intuitive relationship.  Here are 8 things you may not know about intuition.

1- Intuitive assistance is an honor from both sides.  It’s an honor to assist and an honor for us to be assisted.

We’re here doing the work of growing and evolving through experiencing a human lifetime. We experience moments of ease, joy, sadness, fear, and pain.  This is no small thing.  Begin to recognize all that you’re experiencing, learning, and contributing.

No being is greater or less than you.  We’re all in this together and that includes all beings of light, even your intuitive guidance.

Just by being here we’ve taken a brave step and our intuitive guidance understands this and supports us.

What you do while you’re here, how you think, feel, and behave, is a part of your purpose.  The more you embrace your own humanity, the more you recognize your divinity as well.

2- If you want to be “more intuitive”, practice more self-awareness and growth.

There are gazillions of classes and tools to learn how to connect with your intuitive guidance.  I remember going through a time when I bought singing bowls, essential oils, scented candles, chimes, crystals as a part of my “spiritual growth”.  All lovely tools.  Each with their own lovely benefits.  But none of them could do the important work of me looking at me.  Tools are supportive.

As you make more loving choices you will become more expansive.  As you feel better, you’ll open to more light that you not only see in yourself but in others as well.

Living more in your higher emotions, choosing more wisely for yourself as you go about your day, you’ll be allowing in the most direct and simple way.  You’ll not only open more to intuitive guidance but you’ll expand yourself as well.

3- An intuitive relationship is a partnership. Release any limiting preconceived ideas of how you think your intuitive relationship should work.

Perhaps you’re like me when I first became aware.  I hoped it would be more like meeting someone for tea.  We sit down at a table and have a conversation.  The conversation would be crystal clear and to the point.  This was so not the case. For years I assumed many others were having their tea moments and that they were somehow more than me.

Or, perhaps you expect your intuitive guidance to be like a special effects movie?

For me, it’s more like a whisper and often sounds like my own voice.  So much so that it’s easy to discount it as worthy of listening to. It’s so easy to ignore it.  This is one of the many beneficial reasons to meditate.  Meditation will assist you in calming your thoughts so you can hear the wind through the puffs so to speak.

4- Remember the goal is not for intuitive guidance to give you the manual on life.

This is good news that we’re not micro-managed, let alone managed at all.

Instead, we’re here to have our very own experiences, to make choices, and to experience our choices.  We experience our choices individually and collectively.  We may be shown a beneficial direction to go in but ultimately it’s our decision.   And yet, we can’t truly make a mistake no matter our choices.  Because we grow and evolve as a result of our choices.

The universe will keep sending us experiences so that we can learn, realize and master the lesson and move along to what’s next.

Sometimes it can feel like the message is shouting when we have an experience that let’s say isn’t great.  But we sure do pay attention in those moments, don’t we?  We pay attention because it’s difficult not to.  It’s in those moments that the volume of the experience so to speak has been turned up for us.

5- Treat this relationship as any other relationship you value.

It’s like having a great friend that won’t judge you and allows you to be you.  They love all the parts of you.  This friend sees and still loves you for your great parts and not so great parts.  Because to that friend, everything you do is still coming from your light and is for your highest and greatest good.  Even the stinko moments.

Wouldn’t it be great if all our friends loved us for who we are?  And didn’t make inaccurate assumptions and judge us?  Or, tell us how to be but instead observed, listened and just showed us our options?  And that loves us unconditionally?  Supports us through thick and thin?

You actually have that with your intuition.

8 Things You May Not Know About Intuition

That’s why it’s wonderful if we can remember to check in with them on a regular basis.  I like acknowledging to them how much our relationship is contributing to my life.  To trust our partnership and to show appreciation, gratitude, and love for all that they do, even the things I’m not aware of.

6- Expect to be reminded of your value.

For many years I only peeked around the corner at my intuitive guidance.  I thought I wasn’t deserving enough.  Who am I to receive their assistance?   I gave them rock star status and made myself small which at the time was what I did with everyone.  How wonderful that as I was learning about and realizing my value and worth, I was eventually able to allow for a partnership with my intuition.

We came here with our intuition and we’re leaving with it.  It’s always within us.  Pretty ordinary if you ask me.  It just seems extraordinary.  But to spend my time feeling inadequate around my intuition is a poor use of my thoughts and feelings and in direct opposition to what they’re showing me about me.  They’re encouraging me to be seen and heard and to realize my value and my light.  It feels to me that I diminish our relationship when I make myself small.

8 Things You May Not Know About IntuitionHumble is a nice quality in life at times, but too much humbleness with another being is akin to “You’re more/better.  I’m not as much as you”.   That’s so not what we’re going for here.  We don’t have to measure and take each other’s inventory and have any one of us come up short.  This goes for any relationship, intuitive or otherwise.

You’re an incredible being.  Don’t doubt that the experience you’re having here and the work you’re doing isn’t important.  It is.

7- Intuition and being intuitive is not an exclusive club.  You don’t have to be a certain kind of person.

First of all everyone and I mean everyone is intuitive. Sure there are varying degrees of gifts but we’re all intuitive.  Certainly, you don’t have to be funky, super psychic, a yogi, experienced, incredibly gifted, kind-hearted and perfect all the time, the best person ever, or a spiritual leader.  You just have to be you.  You just have to show up but if you don’t that’s ok too.  Either way, intuition is working with you on one level or another.  It exists whether you’re aware of it or not.

Everyone is here to evolve their soul.  Even the most intuitively gifted people are still here to experience, learn, look within, take their steps forward, and grow.

Our most revered heart-centered celebs that have taken on the mantle of leader are still evolving their soul. That’s important to keep in mind because we tend to give our power to others for them to “fix things”.  When in fact, each and every one of us is significant and has an impact on the collective consciousness and humanity.  One way or the other.  Each of us is here to create.

8- Being serious and analytical is not a great recipe for connecting with your intuitive side.

8 Things You May Not Know About IntuitionLaugh more and let go of the need to be perfect.  Perfection is just another way of saying “I am not enough”.  If embracing your perfect imperfections is a challenge, expect your intuitive guidance to offer you experiences that will give you plenty of practice.

Embrace joy, have more fun and watch yourself becoming even more aware of your beautiful intuitive partnership.


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